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top> Backup & Restore DB

Introduction to backup & restore DB for updating SD card.

  1. Backup DB (assume this step is in Client mode)
    1. menu: Raspberry pi Controls > Backup & Restore DB
      backup & restore

    2. create Backup file(yyyymmdd.tar.gz)
      This step makes ‘ptarmd’ stop, so you can’t keep using without reboot this device. backup

    3. download the file
      You can download the file wherever your local. backup

  2. Get ready for new SD card

  3. Restore DB (assume this step is in AP mode as First boot)

    [ATTENTION] You must use the latest backup file!

     If you don't follow below attentions, you have a risk of taken away all of your funds.  
         1. After downloading backup, you must not reboot the device and change balance.  
         2. After restoring DB and changing blance, you must not use same backup file to start over.  
    1. menu: Raspberry pi Controls > Backup & Restore DB
      backup & restore

    2. select Restore button

    3. browse backup file(yyyymmdd.tar.gz)
      This step you have to select the backup file downloaded in step 1-iii. backup

    4. upload the file
      Confirm the name you selected is collect and click ‘upload’ button. backup

    5. update DB
      Click ‘update’ button, this function will update DB used the uploaded file. upload

    6. confirm the process complete
      After update, you need to reboot this with Client mode. complete

  4. Reboot with Client mode
    1. menu: Raspberry pi Controls > Reboot with Client mode

    2. confirm ‘show channel info’ or ‘Get 1st layer info’ etc.
      You can confirm it would return to original balance or state.